Esti Kyton

Former Acrobat - Current BaristaLiving in Old Sharlayan, Working at the Last Stand

One Step At A Time...

How many times can someone start over? How many times can someone turn their life upside-down, tear themselves away from what they've known and built, move on to try and rebuild everything all over again?Esti isn't sure, but she's on her third attempt.Her first involved leaving her family behind, moving away from the Kyho tribal lands to escape her mother's twisted rage and her father's ashamed indifference. Her second, spurred on by the death of her aerial performance partner, meant leaving her abusive boyfriend and chasing her dream of owning her own café.And her third...She knew better than to put her heart in the hands of someone who lived a lifestyle she couldn't match. And yet she did it any way, leashing herself and her self-esteem to a man who loved her, but could not love only her.When she realized, at last, what damage the relationship was doing to both of them, Esti left the remains of her dream in his hands and moved to Old Sharlayan with her oldest friend and his husband.Now a barista at the Last Stand, running errands for her new employer as needed, she's hopeful she won't have to try starting over for a fourth time.

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